PG Diploma Programme in Yoga IYT®




Origin of Yoga, Definitions, History and development of Yoga

Importance, Aims and Objectives of Yoga

Indian Yogis – Maharshi Patanjali, Maharshi Ved Vyas, Yogi Gorakshnath, Swami Vivekanand, Shi Arvindo, Swami Shivanand, Swami Kuvalyananda.

Analysis of Creation of World, Creation process in Vedas, Creation process in Upanishads, Concept of creation in Nyaya & Vaisesik, Concept of creation in Jain tradition, Concept of creation in Buddha tradition, Concept of creation in Shankhyaand Yoga Philosophy.

Essentials of Yoga Practices- Prayer, Disciplines in Yogic practices, Place and Timing, Diet and Schedule for Yoga practitioner.

School of Yoga – Ashtang Yoga, HathaYoga, Karma Yoga, RajaYoga, Gyanayoga, Bhakti Yoga


Samadhi Pada 

Introduction of Maharshi Patanjali, Concept of Chitta, Chitta-Bhumis,Chitta-Vriti,ChittaVritinirodhopaya, Abhyasand Vairagya. Types and nature of Samadhi, Concept of Ishwar and qualities of Ishwara, Chitta- Vikshepas (Antrayas) & Sah-Vikshepas, Ritambharaprajna, Diffrence between Samapattis and Samadhi. 

Sadhana Pada

Concept of Kriya Yoga, Theory of Kleshes, Concept of Dukhavada, Viveka Khyati, Karma and Rebirth, Drishyanirupanam, Brief Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga; Concept of Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayam, Pratyahar and their usefulness in Chittavrittinirodhopayah. 

Vibhuti Pada

Concept of Vibhuti, Introducton of Dharana, Dhyan and Samadhi, Concept of Sanyama, Advantage andResult of Sanyam; Sanyama of Surya, Chandra & dhurva, Sanyam of Chakra (Nabhi chakra, kanthakoop), Sanyama of kurmanadi, murdha-jyoti & hradya, Sanyam of Udan & Samana, Concept of Parkayapravesh & Astamaha Siddhi.

Kaivalya Pada

Sources of Siddhis, Four types of Karmas, Expression, Smarti-Sanskar, Concept of Dharmedha Samadhi, Principle of Knowledge, Concept of Chittashakti, Concepts of Kaivalya.


Introduction Human Anatomy

Bones – Types of Bones, classification and description of various bones of the body, vertebrae, skull, bones of thorax and pelvis, bones of upper and lower limbs etc.

Muscles – Structure and types of Muscles, Muscles of upper limb, lower limb, trunk, head and neck

Joints – Classification of joints, Construction of joints in general, Description of the various joints, joints of upper and lower limbs, joints of thorax and head, neck, sterno clavicular joint.

Physiology – Cell, Tissues, Muscle, Digestive System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Urinary System.

Introduction of Naturopathy, Principles and Concepts of Naturopathy, Catechism of Nature Cure, SwasthyaVritam :- Dinacharya, Ratricharya, Ritucharya, Vegadharanam, The Philosophy of Disease in Nature Cure


Yogaasans – Meaning, Techniques, Benefits and precautions of Asanas, types of Asanas. Meaning,benefits, precautions and types of Yogic Sthul and Sukshma Vyayama.

Shatkarma – Concept, definition, techniques, benefits and precautions of Shatkarma – Dhauti, Vasti, Neti, Nauli, Tratakand Kapalbhati.

Mudra & Bandha – Concept, definition, techniques, benefits and precautions of Mudra and Bandha.

Pranayam and Dhyan – Concept, definition, types, techniques, benefits and precautions of Pranayama, Dhyan and Yoga Nidra


Hath Yoga – Definition, objectives, origin and utility of Hath Yoga. Importance of place, environment and season for Hatha Sadhana. Sadhak and Badhak Tattwa, Mithahaar.

Asanas – Definition, meaning, benefits, precautions and classification. Description of Asanas in Hatha Yoga. 

Pranayam – Definition, meaning, benefits, precautions and classification. Description of Pranayam in Hatha Yoga, Kundalini meaning and benefits.

Mudra, Bandh and Shatkriya – Definition, meaning and benefits of Mudra, Bandh and Shatkriya according to Hath Yoga. 


Personality – Meaning and Definition, Concept of Personality, Principles of Personality, Yogic concept of Personality, Relevance of Yogic practices in personality Development, Indian and Western Concept of Personality

Upanishad, Sankhya and Yoga, Boudh and Jain, Vedant, Ayurved Geeta Aurobindo

Disorders – Diagnostic and Statical Manual of Mental Disorder (D.S.M) Paranoid Personality

Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder.


Health – Definition and Importance, Health and Diseases, Dimensions of Health Physical Health, Mental Health, Social Health, Spiritual Health 

Holistic Health – Definition of Holistic Health, Concept of Holistic Health, Characteristics of Holistic Healthy, Person Yogic tools of Holistic Health

Diseases – Concept of Disease, causes and types of diseases, life style diseases, healthy life style, prevention of disease


Fundamental Principles of Yoga Therapy, Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Digestive System, Nervous System, Musculo Skeletal System, Reproductive System, Endocrine System, Pregnancy, Urinary System

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